Medically Necessary Eye Exams

Do you have red, sore, or itchy eyes?  Do you have a health condition that affects your eyes or medications that have ocular side effects?  In 2007 Alberta Health Care began covering eye health examinations for patients of all ages. Any eye health concern including, but not limited to: red eyes, eye infections, sore or itchy eyes, allergies, minor ocular injuries, retinal health exams for diabetes, hypertension, flashes & floaters, medication toxicity monitoring for many systemic diseases.


Emergency & Medically Necessary Eye Exams
Call us to schedule an eye exam or book online

Focused Optometry is conveniently located in Northland Plaza. With free parking, you can feel at ease while having your eye examination or shopping for glasses and sunglasses. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Book Your Eye Exam

no referral needed

A referral from a physician is NOT required for these visits. Our staff will make every effort to schedule an appointment in a timely fashion for you if your problem is urgent. It is important to note that Medically Necessary exams are eye health-focused and do not result in prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses.